The park had been hyped-up so long before it ever opened that there was no possible way it could live up to the expectations that I had built up in my head. It probably also doesn't help that I have not read the books and only seen a few of the movies.
My biggest complaint is that the park was much smaller than I expected. I was anticipating something the size of the Magic Kingdom at Disney. It seemed much smaller. There were a few shops (the lines of which were about 30 min to well over an hour to get in, BTW. Who wants to wait in line that long just to get in and maybe find something to buy???), a couple restaurants (we ate lunch at one and the pot pie was so bad I didn't finish it) and a couple rides. Over all, I was not impressed.
However, my disappointment aside, I made the best of it. Looking for different angles and waiting on clouds to move, I got some great images. Such as these from the main attraction, Hogwarts.
Hogwarts the ride at Universal's Wizarding World Of Harry Potter
Hogwarts the ride at Universal's Wizarding World Of Harry Potter
A good lesson to take from this is to try and make the best of a bad situation. You're already there. You can either complain about it and have a miserable time, or look for a better angle and come away with some great images.
Larger versions of the photos, as well as other images from the trip can be seen and purchased at John Shippee Photography: Wizarding World Of Harry Potter.
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